Our Services

Total IV Sedation

Dental anesthesia is delivered via IV conscious sedation. The type of sedation most often reached will be moderate. Moderate sedation provides a patient the opportunity to “sleep through” the procedure. Sedation is used to help a patient feel calm, decrease pain, experience procedure amnesia, and decreased consciousness.

IV sedation directly available at the dentist office allows a patient to be seen by the provider they are comfortable with and not have to make multiple appointments with other offices. This service gives patients confidence that their needs are being met for their dental care and they are able to be comfortable and calm.

The cost for anesthesia treatment is separate from dental billing; and is managed through us. Most insurance companies do not reimburse for dental anesthesia. Babinsky Anesthesia Associates will provide patients with codes for treatment if they would like to seek retroactive reimbursement. There is a flat fee for the first hour and then we charge per minute of care after that. Using a dentist with an on-site anesthesia provider will reduce costs for patients. These reduced costs result from not having to seek alternate treatment in a hospital setting, not having to make multiple appointments, not delaying dental care which results in more treatment because of dental anxiety and fear. This will also help you as the provider be able to provide more treatment options and not have to refer patients to other facilities if they need anesthesia.


  • 1) 14 Day Notification to Maine State Board of Dental

    2) Oxygen source. Must have two E Size Oxygen tanks.

    3) External Defibrillator

    4) Sharps Container

    5) Suction

    6) BLS

  • Patient will be charged for anesthesia once IV is placed and end once they are safe for discharge per discharge policy.

  • It will take about 15 minutes to have patient prepared for dentist. This will include gaining consent, placing IV, and starting anesthesia drip.

    At the end of each case it will take about 15 minutes (up to 30 minutes) to have a patient ready for discharge.

  • We can provide an oral or nasal medication that is an anxiolytic. This medication will reduce the patient’s anxiety so they will not be bothered by IV placement.